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Agentur für Wirtschaft & Entwicklung Logo

Partners in Transformation

The BMZ is bundling its programmes for cooperation with the Private Sector under the umbrella brand "Partners in Transformation - Business & Development Network". The seven programmes work closely together and support countries of the Global South in developing a fair, sustainable and resilient economy, from which German companies also benefit. The Agency for Business and Economic Development has a dual role. It is one of the Partners in Transformation and represents the umbrella brand at the same time

Agency for Business and Economic Development

The Agency for Business and Economic Development supports sustainable projects and investments in emerging and developing countries. Its experienced experts advise companies on funding, financing and project development and establish contacts worldwide.

Logo Partners in Transformation - develoPPP


With its funding programme develoPPP, the BMZ supports private-sector activities where business opportunities and development policy potential meet. The public funding amounts to up to EUR 2 million and is available in over 60 countries.

Helpdesk on Business and Human Rights

The Helpdesk on Business and Human Rights advises companies free of charge, individually and confidentially on the implementation of human rights and environmental due diligence along value chains.


ImpactConnect supports European companies that invest globally by providing loans at attractive conditions. Individual financing with a minimum of red tape and specialist advice by DEG promotes and facilitates focused investments.

Import Promotion Desk (IPD)

IPD forms a link between SMEs in selected partner countries and the European import industry. It brings exporters together with European companies as trading partners and supports them in establishing sustainable business relationships.


The Up-Scaling Programme by DEG backs German and local SMEs in developing countries. Investments in FinTech or GreenTech can receive up to EUR 749,000 in co-financing.

Chambers and associations

Chambers of commerce, associations, trade unions and financial institutions of the Savings Banks Finance Group support the business community in partner countries with organisational development as well as advisory and training measures for financial inclusion.

Drei Frauen in Business Kleidung stehen nebeneinander und schauen in die Kamera

Partners in Transformation Desk

Are you aiming to invest in a region with growth potential? The Partners in Transformation Desk East Africa supports you - from the idea to the viable project.

How may we help you?


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