Deutsche Sparkassenstiftung. Digital education and women's empowerment

As part of Partners in Transformation, German Sparkassenstiftung für internationale Kooperation (DSIK) is committed to financial inclusion and sustainable development worldwide. In Eastern Africa, it is using innovative approaches to strengthen infrastructure in rural areas and promote women's economic empowerment.
Professional development and mentoring
Mentoring and targeted training programmes are important in order to strengthen women in particular in their positions. In Kenya and Tanzania, German Sparkassenstiftung organises leadership training and mentoring programmes that are specifically designed to promote female staff members and managers in microfinance institutions. To improve training and further education for employees of microfinance institutions, DSIK has, for example, designed one-year hybrid training programmes together with a local academy in Rwanda. These are aimed at junior and senior staff members and combine classroom modules with e-learning elements. The aim is to support the professional development of female employees in particular.
Digital financial education
Financial education is key to reducing poverty, especially in rural regions of Eastern Africa, where women rarely have access to basic financial literacy. However, traditional seminars are cost-intensive and only reach a few. DSIK has therefore developed digital formats that are adapted to regional conditions. In Rwanda, only 10% of the rural population currently own smartphones and internet access is expensive. DSIK therefore relies on educational videos and multipliers in cooperatives to train women in particular in the departments of savings, credit and household finances.
Access to sustainable financial products
DSIK is working closely with microfinance associations in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda to improve access to sustainable financial products, especially for small-scale entrepreneurs. Together, they want to facilitate the introduction of environmentally friendly financial products with appropriate educational measures on climate change. In Uganda, for example, entrepreneurship training is combined with training sessions on adapting to climate change. Among other things, small-scale entrepreneurs learn how to use solar energy instead of firewood, which reduces CO2 emissions and at the same time increases their operational efficiency.
Digital solutions help to promote women
German Sparkassenstiftung's initiatives in Eastern Africa illustrate how digital solutions and targeted support programmes can help to break down structural barriers and promote sustainable development. The combination of technological innovation and targeted support for women not only strengthens financial inclusion and entrepreneurial participation, but also makes a significant contribution to strengthening local communities and promoting gender equality.
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