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Digitalisation drives inclusive growth

Partners in TransformationDigitalizationFrom practice
4 Min

SAP supports training in the field of IT. Dr Caroline King talks about the company’s activities and about opportunities in the Global South.

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Auf dem Foto sieht man die Unternehmerin Jennifer Njoka, First Drinks Exporters

Import Promotion Desk: Promoting networking among women in foreign trade

3 Min

Together with its partners from the professional organisation Global Women Fresh (GWF) and the Fruit Logistica trade fair, the IPD invites to its Women's Panel and Networking Event on 7 February.

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Deutsche Sparkassenstiftung. Digital education and women's empowerment

Partners in TransformationWomen in Business
2 Min

Digital education and the targeted promotion of women: this is how German Sparkassenstiftung supports sustainable development in Eastern Africa.

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Auf dem Bild sieht man die Investment-Unternehmerin Pauline Koebl.

Impact investor Pauline Koelbl: the courage to close the gap

8 Min

In Africa, female entrepreneurs own over 40% of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), yet they receive significantly less investment than their male counterparts. One woman is stepping up to…

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The picture shows Muthoni Karubiu, Chief Operating Officer at Amini Kenya

Artificial intelligence as a game-changer: the women are coming!

DigitalizationWomen in Business
4 Min

Artificial intelligence is not a male preserve. More and more women are utilising its potential to help shape the digital world of tomorrow.

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Women Going Digital. Supporting women towards the digital future

Training and QualificationDigitalization
4 Min

Women Going Digital gives women access to digital skills – for better job opportunities in developing countries and emerging economies.

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The Cool White project: combating climate impacts with a coat of paint

Energy and ClimateFrom practice
5 Min

Cool White shows how companies can cool easily, efficiently and cost-effectively with white paint and do something about global warming at the same time.

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News from the Partners in Transformation

Partners in TransformationFinancial support
5 Min

Here you can find out more about the latest news from Partners in Transformation, which we have already briefly presented to you in our newsletter.

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Swabian innovation in Ukraine. Recycling in road construction

UkraineFinancial support
5 Min

Sustainable use of raw materials in road construction for greater climate protection: a develoPPP project in Ukraine shows how it's done.

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New sustainability conference. Hamburg welcomes the world

Partners in TransformationEvents
6 Min

How can the economy and society become more sustainable? The Hamburg Sustainability Conference unveiled some new approaches.

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