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Exclusive information, direct contacts: Deep Dives to current tenders

Contribute with your company to the reconstruction of Ukraine. In our deep dives, we provide you with background information on current tenders and answer your questions.

Participation in public tenders often seems complicated at first glance. To increase your chances of a successful bid, we offer you exclusive information and contacts on one current tender each month in the Deep Dive events of the exclusive STEP (Successful Tenders and Procurement) programme.

Further more, our senior expert Olga Mitskevych, a partner of the tendered project and the AHK Ukraine will always be present to answer your questions.

Next date

The Deep Dives are held online on the third Thursday of each month from 1:00 to 2:00 PM CET.

Who can take part in the Deep Dives?

Company representatives from all sectors that are interested in tendering can take part in the Deep Dives for the reconstruction of Ukraine. The majority of current tenders are aimed at the energy, construction and infrastructure, agriculture and food, waste and recycling, water and wastewater and health sectors. The size of the company is irrelevant for participation in the Deep Dive. (Switch to the german version of this page to learn more about deep dives).

Information events and access: STEP

Business opportunities and sustainable development - development banks tender projects worth billions every year. How do companies do business with the international development banks? How are the tenders planned and what is important in a bid? Our STEP (Successful Tenders and Procurement) programme offers regular information events on the tendering business for companies. In deep dives, you can obtain first-hand information and network with decision-makers from the most important development banks. If you are interested, please contact our consult Olga Mitskevych.

How may we help you?

Carolin Welzel

Strategic Communication and Public Relations

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