Qualified Specialists Ensure Success
Numerous initiatives and programmes support companies in expanding their international competence - qualified and globally-minded specialists and managers are the key to success.
Establishing Contacts with Business Partners Abroad
Manager programmes offer experience abroad to managers and strengthen international contacts.
Manager Training Programme

Under the motto "Fit for Partnership with Germany", the Manager Training Programme of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) specifically prepares foreign managers for business initiation and economic cooperation with German companies. Programme participants usually come from small and medium-sized entreprises with foreign trade potential. Their training includes visits to German companies as well as interactive and practical training. The cross-sector programme is being implemented with selcted partner countries from Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America.
Fit for Foreign Markets Manager Programme

"Fit for Foreign Markets" is a training programme for managers of German companies. It serves to promote economic cooperation and supports German companies in establishing and expanding their business activities in the programme's partner countries, which include Russia, China and Mexico. The governments of the three countries and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) support the projects. The practice-oriented training courses provide first-hand experience. German programme participants gain insights into the business culture of their host country, strengthen their intercultural competence and have the opportunity to establish contacts with companies, chambers and associations in the respective target country. In this way, German companies gain experts for their business in Mexico, Russia or China.
Qualification of Specialist and Managerial Staff
Practical vocational qualifications open up future prospects for young people in developing and emerging countries and make the countries more attractive for investors.
Afrika kommt!
![[Translate to English:] Afrika kommt!](/fileadmin/user_upload/3_Netzwerk_auch_Logos/Fachkraefte/Logo_AFRIKA_KOMMT_294x255px.jpg)
In 2008, leading German DAX-listed and family-owned companies founded the training initiative AFRIKA KOMMT! The basic idea is to create a win-win situation for young African executives and participating companies. Young executives are invited to Germany and familiarised with the country through an internship and management training. At the same time, companies establish contacts with experts who know their way around their African home regions. They also promote awareness of diversity in the companies. In this way, the programme lays the foundation for sustainable economic cooperation with Africa. The programme is organised and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
![[Translate to English:] ARCHIPELAGO](/fileadmin/_processed_/e/f/csm_Archipelago_4c_engl_e0445d0d5b.png)
ARCHIPELAGO stands for European-African partnerships for vocational training and qualification. The vocational training programme is implemented in twelve countries in the Sahel and Lake Chad regions. The goal is to improve the employability of the workforce in the target regions and to strengthen the entrepreneurial capacities of small and medium-sized businesses. The programme relies on institutional partnerships. European chambers and associations join forces with their African counterparts to train junior staff. The training is geared to the requirements of the labour market and takes place in cooperation with the private sector.
ARCHIPELAGO is backed by sequa gGmbH as well as the Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry (EUROCHAMBRES) and the Association of Francophone Chambers in Africa and Europe.
DAAD - Funding Frogrammes Between Universities and Companies with Africa
The Federal Government's Special Initiative "Decent Work for a Just Transition" provides impetus for growth and employment in Africa. The programme "University-Business-Partnerships between Higher Education Institutions and Business Partners in Germany and in Developing Countries" of the German Academic Exchange Service is part of this BMZ initiative. Their aim is to contribute to making higher education more practice-oriented. Higher education oriented towards the labour market improves employment prospects, promotes economic development and can prevent the brain drain. In the medium term, this also improves the investment climate. The programme focuses on promoting knowledge transfer between higher education and business in order to contribute to their interlinking and to expand dialogue (through adapted study programmes, career services, internships etc). German higher education institutions can apply in close consultation with the foreign partner (MoU).

With the Special Initiative "Decent Work for a Just Transition", the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) aims to improve the skills and employability of young people in Africa. The initiative is part of the G20 investment partnership Compact with Africa. Within this framework, the PartnerAfrica programme invites German chambers and business associations to propose their own projects and thus contribute to the improvement of vocational training and the capacity development of chambers and associations in Africa's transition countries. The aim of PartnerAfrica is to improve skills training in Africa with innovative and flexible methods so that African partner countries become more attractive to investors through well-trained personnel. sequa gGmbH implements the programme and accepts applications from interested chambers and associations.
Senior Experten Service and Weltdienst 30+
![[Translate to English:] Senior Experten Service (SES)](/fileadmin/user_upload/3_Netzwerk_auch_Logos/Fachkraefte/SES-Logo_klein.jpg)
The Senior Experten Service (SES) is the leading German sending organisation for retired volunteer experts and managers. Since 2017, the Weltdienst 30+ programme has been a part of the service. Professionals who want to take time out to volunteer can participate in Weltdienst 30+.
SES is active worldwide. The focus regions are developing and emerging countries as well as Germany. Small and medium-sized businesses, administrations, chambers and trade associations, medical and social institutions as well as institutions of basic and vocational education benefit from the expert knowledge of the volunteers.
The organisation acts according to the principle of helping people to help themselves. The aim is to transfer knowledge and experience. The SES is supported by the umbrella organisations of the German economy.
Internship Programme of German Business for Ukraine
![[Translate to English:] Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH](/fileadmin/user_upload/3_Netzwerk_auch_Logos/Fachkraefte/giz-standard-logo.jpg)
The Internship Programme of German Business for Ukraine offers students and graduates from Ukraine the opportunity to complete a company internship in German companies lasting several months. Scholarship holders gain insight into the corporate culture in Germany and learn about project work, modern management tools and work organisation.
After their stay in Germany, scholarship holders return to Ukraine and can use their knowledge and skills there. Job application training rounds off the programme. Their experiences and contacts strengthen economic development and promote relations with Germany. In addition, an alumni network supports sustainable economic development in Ukraine and connects young professionals across sectors.