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Agentur für Wirtschaft & Entwicklung Logo

Call for Proposal - Tunesien

Di, 15.12.2020

The «Investing for Employment» (IFE), is a grant facility established by KfW that offers grants for promising investments in partner countries of Africa that contribute to the creation of new jobs, improve working conditions and preserve existing jobs.

In this webinars, the IFE  will explain the objectives and guidelines of the facility «Investing for Employment» GmbH, with a special focus on the application phases that are now coming up in Tunisia, Côte d'Ivoiure and Germany. They will clarify the eligibility criteria for applicants and for the projects to be proposed. Also IFE will explain the submission modality for your proposals in order to facilitate this process. Following this, there will be the possibility to ask questions.

Registration deadline is on December 15th, 9 a.m.
This event will be held in French.

More information.

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Simone Todt


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