The German Supply Chain Act (LkSG), which entered into force on 1 January 2023, sets out due diligence obligations for companies to respect human rights and environmental standards, within their own operations and global supply chains. But which companies fall under the scope of the law? How does it affect suppliers? And what steps can both parties take to advance human rights and environmental due diligence?
This online seminar is organized by the UN Global Compact Network Germany in cooperation with the Helpdesk on Business and Human Rights. It offers a brief introduction to the key points and requirements of the LkSG. Company representatives, government experts, and stakeholders alike are welcome to join us to learn more about the German Supply Chain Act and its implementation in corporate practice.
This online seminar will be held in English.

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Online Seminar: The German Supply Chain Act in a Nutshell
Di, 08.04.2025